H. Veenhof (Herman)
Werkzaam bij het Ommelander Ziekenhuis sinds
Klinische Farmacie, Nefrologie, Transplantatie, Geriatrie
Opleidingen en werkervaring
2020-2023 AIOS ziekenhuisfarmacie (UMCG)
2015-2019 Promovendus en Apotheker farmaceutische patiëntenzorg (UMCG)
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
1. Veenhof, H., Koster, R. A., Alffenaar, J. W. C., Berger, S. P., Bakker, S. J.L, Touw, D. J. Clinical validation of simultaneous analysis of tacrolimus, cyclosporine A, and creatinine in dried blood spots in kidney transplant patients. Transplantation. 2017 Jul;101(7):1727-1733.
2. Veenhof, H.,... Dried blood spot validation of five immunosuppressants, without hematocrit correction, on two LC–MS/MS systems. Bioanalysis. 2017 Apr;9(7):553-563.
3. Koster, R.A., Niemeijer, P., Veenhof, H., van Hateren, K., Alffenaar,J.W.C., Touw, D.J., A Volumetric Absorptive Micro Sampling LC-MS/MS method for five immunosuppressants and their hematocrit effects. Bioanalysis 2019 Mar;11(6):495-508.
4. Veenhof, H., .. , Official International Association for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology guideline: Development and Validation of Dried Blood Spot-based Methods for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. Ther Drug Monit. 41.4 (2019): 409-430.
5. Veenhof, H., Koster, R.A., … Clinical Application of a Dried Blood Spot Assay for Sirolimus and Everolimus in Transplant Patients. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2019 Nov 26;57(12):1854-1862.
6. Zuur, M.A., Veenhof, H., …., Quality Assessment of Dried Blood Spots from Tuberculosis Patients from Four Countries. Ther Drug Monit. 2019 Dec;41(6):714-718.
7. Veenhof, H., Koster, R.A., … ,Performance of a Web-Based Application Measuring Spot Quality in Dried Blood Spot Sampling. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2019 Nov 26;57(12):1846-1853.
8. Veenhof, H., …, Flucloxacillin decreases tacrolimus blood trough levels: a single-center retrospective cohort study. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2020 Dec;76(12):1667-1673.
9. Veenhof, H., Koster, R.A., … , Bakker, S.J.L., Touw, D.J. Volumetric Absorptive Microsampling and Dried Blood Spot Microsampling vs. Conventional Venous Sampling for Tacrolimus Trough Concentration Monitoring. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2020 May 15
10. Veenhof, H., van Boven, J., … Effects, Costs and Implementation of Monitoring Kidney Transplant Patients' Tacrolimus Levels With Dried Blood Spot Sampling: A Randomized Controlled Hybrid Implementation Trial. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2020 Jul;86(7):1357-1366.
11. Delahaye L, Veenhof H., …, Alternative Sampling Devices to Collect Dried Blood Microsamples: State-of-the-Art. Ther Drug Monit. 2021 Jun 1;43(3):310-321.
12. Francke MI, …, Veenhof H, de Winter BCM. Best Practices to Implement Dried Blood Spot Sampling for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Clinical Practice. Ther Drug Monit. 2022 May 23.
13. Veenhof H, …, Results from a proficiency testing pilot for immunosuppressant microsampling assays. Ther Drug Monit. 2022 Aug 15.Kijk voor meer informatie op deze publicatiesite.