R. Poelstra (Ralph)
Opleidingen en werkervaring
2022 – 2024 Arts-assistent (AIOS) chirurgie, bij Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen (UMCG)
2019 – 2021 Arts-assistent (AIOS) chirurgie, bij Medisch Centrum Leeuwarden (MCL)
2017 – 2020 Promovendus/arts-onderzoeker, bij Plastische chirurgie, Erasmus MC & Xpert Clinic
2016 – 2017 Arts-assistent (ANIOS) chirurgie, bij Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen (UMCG)
2014 – 2016 Arts-assistent (ANIOS) chirurgie, bij Deventer Ziekenhuis
2013 – 2014 Arts-assistent (ANIOS) cluster snijdend, bij Horacio E. Oduber Hospitaal (Aruba)
2008 – 2010 Master of Neuroscience, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
2005 – 2013 Geneeskunde, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Jonker PKC, van der Plas WY, Steinkamp PJ, Poelstra R, Emous M, van der Meij W, Theunissen F, Bierman WFW, Struys MMRF, de Reuver PR, de Vries JPPM, Kruijff S. Perioperative mortality, pulmonary complications and thromboembolic events in patients undergoing surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: a Dutch multicenter matched-cohort clinical study. Surgery. 2021 Feb;169(2):264-274.
van der Oest MJW, Teunissen JS, Poelstra R, Feitz R, Alex Burdorf A, Ruud W Selles RW & the Hand-Wrist Study. Factors affecting return to work after surgical treatment of trapeziometacarpal joint osteoarthritis. Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume). 2021 Nov;46(9):979-984.
Blake S, Poelstra R, Andrinopoulou ER, Obdeijn M, Burdorf A, Slijper H, Feitz R, Selles RW & the Hand-Wrist Study Group. Return to work and associated costs after treatment for Dupuytren’s disease. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2021 Sep;148(3):580-590.
Poelstra R, Andrinopoulou ER, van Nieuwenhoven CA, Slijper H, Feitz R, Selles RW, Hovius SER & the Hand-Wrist Study Group. Predicting complete finger extension In Dupuytren’s disease. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetis Surgery (JPRAS).2022 May;75(5):1661-1667.
Van Kooij YE, Poelstra R, Porsius JT, Slijper HP, Warwick D, Selles RW & the Hand-Wrist Study Group. The Patient Specific Functional Scale in Dupuytren’s disease – a valid and responsive outcome measure. Journal of Hand Therapy. 2021 Jul-Sep;34(3):446-452.
Selles RW, Wouters RM, Poelstra R, van der Oest MJW, Porsius JT, Hovius SER, Moojen TM, van Kooij YE, Pennehouat PY, van Huis R, Vermeulen GM, Feitz R, the Hand-Wrist Study Group, Slijper HP. Routine health outcome measurement: Development, design and implementation of the Hand and Wrist Cohort. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2020 Aug;146(2):343-354.
van den Oest MJW, Poelstra R, Feitz R, Slijper HP, Selles RW, Porsius JT & the Hand-Wrist Study Group. Illness perceptions of patients with first carpometacarpal osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, Dupuytren contracture, or trigger finger. Journal of Hand Surgery (American Volume). 2020 May;45(5):455.e1-455.e8.
Blackburn J, van der Oest MJW, Poelstra R, Selles RW, Chen NC, Feitz R & the Hand-Wrist Study Group. Three-ligament tenodesis for chronic scapholunate injuries: short-term outcomes of 203 patients. Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume). 2020 May;45(4):383-388.
Mendelaar NHA, Poelstra R, van Nieuwenhoven CA, Slijper HP, Feitz R, Hovius SER, Selles RW. Outcome of recurrent surgery in Dupuytren’s disease: comparison with initial treatment. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2019 Nov;144(5):828-835.
Poelstra R, van Kooij YE, van der Oest MJW, Slijper HP, Hovius SER, Selles RW & the Hand-Wrist Study Group. Patient’s satisfaction beyond hand function in Dupuytren’s disease: analysis of 1106 patients. Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume). 2020 Mar;45(3):280-285.
Tsehaie J, van den Oest MJW, Poelstra R, Selles RW, Feitz R, Slijper HP, Hovius SER, Porsius JT & the Hand-Wrist Study Group. Positive experiences with treatment is associated with better surgical outcome in trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis. Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume). 2019 Sep;44(7):714-721.
Schrier VJMM, Poelstra R, Selles RW, Slijper HP, Amadio PC, Hovius SER, Porsius JT. Better patient-reported experiences with health care are associated with improved clinical outcome after carpal tunnel release surgery. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2019 Jun;143(6):1677-1684.
Poelstra R, Selles RW, Slijper HP, van der Oest MJW, Feitz R, Hovius SER, Porsius JT & the Hand-Wrist Study Group. Better patients' treatment experiences are associated with better postoperative results in Dupuytren's disease. Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume). 2018 Oct;43(8):848-854.
Poelstra R & Van der Hem LG. Waar aneurysma van de arteria tibialis posterior. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Heelkunde; jaargang 25-4, juni 2016